Local Council of Daraya City Launches its Website

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Enab Baladi Issue # 102– Sun, Feb. 2, 2014

موقع المجلس المحلي لمدينة دارياOn Saturday, February 1st, the Local Council of Daraya City (LCDC) launched its website: www.darayacouncil.org which covers the latest news and provides continuous updates on the city.

The LCDC Media Department announced the release of the website as a part of the department’s new policy with the aim of presenting Daraya City and giving voice to its people. The website also conveys the unique experience of the LCDC which was established 15 months ago, through covering the various activities of each of its ten departments.

Fadi, head of the media department, said in a statement to EnabBaladi that the website will include a brief history of the city before the revolution,the basic information about the local council’s structure, duties, bylaws and objectives, as well as about each of the ten departments, in addition to coverage of their latest activities and campaigns.

According to Fadi, the website also provides a detailed chronicle of events in the city throughout the revolution. In order to provide a sufficient alternative to the Council’s Facebook page, which has been closed several times, the website provides daily news and live updates.

Mr. Fadi added that the new website includes a library containing images and videos documenting activities, demonstrations and destruction in the city. Part of the website is devoted to documenting martyrs, detainees, and missing people of the city. The Council will also release its statements through theofficial website.

Head of the media department noted as he concluded his statement that the website includes “complaint form” which allows people of the city to register their complaints; Mr. Fadi expressed the Council’s hopes of interaction from the people of Daraya in order to reach solutions.


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